Facial paralysis
Facial Paralysis:It is called paralysis of the nerve of the facial muscles (facial nerve) that provides the movement of the face.
Masses in the part of the facial nerve that come from the brain to the face can cause bleeding, infection, edema, paralysis, may be temporary or may be permanent due to diseases.
In order to say permanent facial paralysis, at least 6 months must have passed.
In the early stages of facial paralysis, the patient cannot close their eyelids, tears flow out, the pupil may dry out due to keeping the eye open while sleeping, the eye must be kept closed while sleeping, and plenty of artificial tear drops and gel treatment should be applied during the day to prevent the pupil from drying out. In patients with a risk of dryness in the pupil, the outer parts of the eyelid can be temporarily stitched together.
In cases where
facial paralysis is permanent, the facial muscles droop over time due to the effect of gravity, patients cannot close their eyelids, the eyebrow hangs down, the lower lid turns outward, the tears flow out, watering occurs, cheek hangs down.
Inability to close the eye in facial paralysis puts the pupil at risk, can cause infection in the pupil, ulcer formation and even eye loss, as well as the loss of functional movement and cosmetic problems in the face, In these cases, treatments for the problem occurring in the patient should be applied.
Eyebrow lifting, mid-face lifting, placing a gold plate on the upper eyelid or weakening the muscle that opens the eyelid, ensuring the closure of the eyelid, raising and tightening the lower eyelid are among the operations to be performed in these patients.
What Causes Facial Paralysis?
Facial paralysis is due to the paralysis of the nerve that enters our face. This is the 7th cranial nerve. It is in question that the nerve that provides our facial movements in the forehead, our tiny movements, our mouth-eye movements, is affected.
It usually occurs unilaterally. Anatomically, there is a structure of the nerve that comes from the brain and passes through the ear and spreads to our face.
Problems in both the brain and the ear can cause this nerve to be affected and may result in the disappearance of the facial muscles' movement due to the dysfunction of the nerve innervating the facial muscles.
Facial Paralysis Exercises
The treatment of facial paralysis is based on the cause. If temporary facial paralysis is considered, medical treatments, steroid-based treatments, anti-inflammatory treatments, antibiotic treatments for infection, and then physical treatments can be applied.
By applying physical therapy, the mobility of the muscles in this area can be provided. There is no exercise available to correct facial paralysis.
Is Facial Paralysis Permanent?
There may be permanent facial paralysis or temporary facial paralysis. Transient conditions are usually due to compression of the nerve by an infection or inflammation.
Of course, in cases where the pressure of the masses from the brain or the ear tab is due to the pressure on the nerve, if the nerve is permanently damaged or if the nerve is permanently damaged during the operations performed during the removal of these tumors, then we can say that it is permanent.
But paralysis conditions that occur without any reason due to some infections and inflammations are usually temporary. Facial paralysis of patients can be treated with physical and medical treatments.
Who Gets Facial Paralysis?
Facial paralysis is generally not seen in any part of the society. However, there is a well-known condition called bell's palsy and driver's palsy.
The reason why it is called driver's palsy is that facial paralysis is more common in these people because of the inflammation and compression of the nerve, especially in the blood part of the ear region, as a result of the drivers leaving the window open while driving and the wind coming from the window touching their face.
Or, in cases of excessive exposure to cold, nerve damage and inflammation may occur, resulting in facial paralysis. Other than that, there is no specific facial paralysis.
How diagnose the facial paralysis?
Facial palsy can be diagnosed by the clinical findings of the patient. The muscles of the face on the affected side of the nerve do not work.
When we ask the patient to make mouth movements or close his eyes, it can be seen that the mouth on that side does not move and his eyes do not close.
Or when we want him to move his eyebrow, the eyebrow in that area does not rise. There is a complete absence of muscle movement on the face in that affected area.
The eyelid cannot be closed, the lower eyelid moves downward. In this way, patients can be diagnosed with facial palsy clinically.
Does Facial Paralysis Recur?
Facial paralysis may recur, especially if it occurs secondary to inflammation or infection, if the same situation occurs in the same area again.
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