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Benign and Malicious Lesions on the Eyelids

Most of the benign and malignant lesions seen on human skin can also be seen on the eyelids.

The most common benign lesion on the eyelids is formed as a result of the obstruction of the mouths of the glands that secrete oil, which we call chalazion.

The most common cause is eyelash root inflammation. In these cases, the cyst should be drained surgically in the treatment. It is necessary to ensure the hygiene of the eyelash base in order to prevent the formation of new lesions.

What are the Symptoms of Benign and Malicious Lesions on the Eyelids?

There may be benign and malignant lesions on the eyelids. They may be congenital or may appear later.

Congenital lesions, especially benign lesions are hemangiomas, ie vascular pathologies. We call this a capillary hemangioma.

It is a painting that we see quite often, especially in children.

In this case, if there is a hemangioma in children, it is necessary to be careful about whether the hemangioma is an obstacle to vision.

If there is hemangioma on the eyelid in children, if the visual accent is closed, it may cause lazy eye. In this case, immediate treatment is required.

Apart from this, benign lesions or malignant lesions on the eyelid may be seen in adults. All of the benign or malignant lesions that are usually seen on our skin can also be seen on the eyelids.

In general, we can see all of the lesions seen on our entire skin on the eyelid skin. These may be sebaceous glands, benign lesions originating from the skin itself, or malignant tumors.

Benign tumors usually do not grow very large. There are not many vascular structures around it. They look calm. But malignant tumors grow over time.

There are fine vein networks around it and there are pits in the middle over time. Bleeding occurs when touched.

If the eyelashes are on the edges, shedding may occur in those eyelashes. Symptoms of malignant lesions, these are the signs that indicate that it is malignant for us.

How to Understand that there are Benign and Malicious Lesions on the Eyelids?

benign or malignant lesions seen on the eyelid are usually seen with the appearance of the lesions themselves. In benign lesions, growth is usually minimal and slow.

In malignant lesions, the lesion grows much faster. The formation of a vascular structure around the lesion, umbilical lesion, bleeding from the lesion and crusting of the lesion are information that the lesion is malignant.

How is the Treatment of Benign and Malicious Lesions Seen on the Eyelids?

Treatment of benign lesions on the eyelids is simpler and easier. Removal of the lesion and reconstruction of that area may be sufficient.

This is often enough for us to remove the lesion and bring the sac together in bening lesions. However, this is not the case in malignant lesions.

The tumor should be removed with intact surgical margins.

If necessary, pathological evaluations, which we call frozen, should be performed during the operation and it should be determined whether there is a tumor in the surgical margins.

Benign and malignant lesions on the eyelids need to be reconstructed after they are completely cleared. This may vary depending on the size of the defect.

Sometimes the lid can be reassembled and reconstructed in small lesions. However, in some cases, it is necessary to remove the entire valve and create a new valve, and reconstructions must be done.

For this, a valve can be created again for the patient by applying special surgical procedures.

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